Be Fearless

Hello Loves,

This week, I want to share some inspiration with you about pursuing your dreams. I came across this quote on Pinterest and it really resonated with me. It said, "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

What sets your soul on fire? Is it too crazy and wild that you're scared to even think or dream about it? For me, I find myself not even allowing my brain to go there and think about my dreams, because I automatically shut the thoughts down with, "That will never happen. That's stupid. You're ridiculous."

Those negative thoughts kill the tiny spark of a dream in the bud. Each dream we have is like a little spark of happy energy that flies around in our brain.

I encourage you to give some life to those happy little sparks that are your dreams. Be fearless and watch your dreams come alive!

Photo credit: Pinterest
Sending light & love your way :)
