Take Me To The Beach

Hello Loves,

It's the end of another Monday and I'm already craving the weekend. Boy, the past few months have been crazy busy. They've been packed full of wedding plans, wedding decor meetings, work, teaching yoga, practicing yoga, premarital counseling, and much more.

In March 2015, I found myself in the ER battling a debilitating migraine and a few weeks later I broke out into hives all over my body. Both instances occurred while at work...needless to say I was a little stressed out!

Fast forward to present day, I'm two months away from my wedding, which is September 20, 2015! All of the major details have been finalized and the wedding invitations have been ordered. I can't wait to marry my sweet Christopher. He's truly a gift from God and I love him with all my heart. We have been together a year and a half and each day, week, month that goes by I feel closer to him.

After going through a very stressful time in my life over the past few months, I have realized that it's more important than ever to take care of my body and my health. I can't control how others act and treat me, but I can control how I respond and how I let what others do affect me.

When I internalize stress, it manifests in my body. I found that practicing and teaching yoga has helped me release stress and let go of anger and bitterness. It calms my mind and gives me a sense of peace.

I encourage you to take a moment today, tomorrow, or whenever you have a free moment, to think about what causes you stress and how you can take steps to overcome it. Maybe try a local gentle yoga class or take a walk outside on your lunch break, breathing in some fresh air.

If all else fails...take a trip to the beach, listen to the waves of the ocean, smell the salty breeze, and maybe enjoy a blissful glass of sangria ;-)

Photo Credit: Pinterest
Sending lots of love & inspiration your way!
