Merry Christmas & De-Stress With This Breathing Technique!

Hello Loves,

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I had a very relaxing time spent with my parents in the mountains of Georgia. We ate at a lovely restaurant for lunch and then watched several Christmas movies!
Photo credit: Pinterest
It's hard to believe that 2014 is almost over. This year has been filled with lots of special memories and moments spent with loved ones and friends. I'm putting together my New Year's resolutions, but in the meantime...I'm letting go of guilt from eating lots of sweets this holiday season and enjoying not having a schedule before I go back to work next week.

I know I promised a few de-stressing breathing techniques, so here is one that I enjoy:

1. Take an easy crossed-legged position on the floor with the hips elevated. (Maybe sitting on a rolled blanket or pillow.)

2. Close the eyes and start to bring the awareness to the breath. Let go of any outside thoughts and focus on a positive mantra or phrase...such as: I am happy, I am loved, or I am at peace.

3. Allow the breath to become deeper: inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose.

4. Place one hand on the belly and the other hand on the chest.

5. Inhale filling up the belly for one count, inhale filling up the chest for one count, and exhale releasing the breath for one count.
**If you'd like, you can inhale for one count and exhale for two counts.

6. Repeat this breathing technique for 10 repetitions.

7. After the 10th round, release the hands to the knees and breath softly in and out through the nose, keeping the eyes closed. Take a moment of stillness.

8. When you're ready, gently flutter the eyes open.

Practice this breathing technique at anytime throughout the day to reset the body and the mind to a place of peace.

Sending light and joy your way :)
