Just Let It Happen

Hello Loves,

Happy first weekend of spring!! Spring is such a wonderful time of year with blooming flowers, green grass, and cool breezes at night. 

Spring is a time of rebirth and life. It's a time to grow new relationships and really nurture the relationships you already have in your life. 

Spend time with your loved ones, enjoy life, eat yummy food, and let go of any unreal expectations. Let go of control and just let things happen naturally and organically. 

I found this photo online while searching about yoga inspiration and found that it really resonated with me...

Sometimes it's hard for me to "go with the flow" and be spontaneous. Other times, I can wake up in the morning and say, I'm gonna go to the beach today!

I find that the more I try to control situations and over analyze things in my mind, the worse I feel. I'm choosing to let go and just let things happen. I hope you do too :)

Sending lots of inspiration and springtime love your way!
