Who Can Believe That It's 2014?

Hello Loves,

I cannot believe that 2013 is over and we are in the first week of January 2014! How crazy is that?

Life just continues to speed up and we are still moving at the same pace looking around wondering what in the world is happening! Am I right?

2013 was a year filled with new beginnings, new experiences, and amazing memories spent with my friends and family. I began to learn how to appreciate the many quirky qualities that make me unique. Also, I learned that I am much stronger than I think I am.

2014 has already started off with a bang and I have a good feeling that this is going to be one amazing year. Our thoughts shape our reality, so...what reality are you going to create this year?


A new year symbolizes a clean state, a re-birth, a second chance to make your dreams a reality. You can do it. I have faith in you :)

Sending lots of inspiration your way!
