Do What Feels Right For YOU

Hello Loves,

While scanning pins on Pinterest I came across an amazing quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. If you don't know who Eleanor was, she was the longest serving First Lady of the United States! You might have heard of her husband...Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

I knew who Eleanor was, but I didn't know anything about her and her achievements while being the First Lady of the United States during her husband's four terms in office. Researching her background on Wikipedia, I found out that President Harry S. Truman nicknamed Eleanor the "First Lady of the World" in honor for her human rights achievements.

She was a very controversial First Lady, known for outspokenness. She was so outspoken that she even disagreed with her husband's policies in public! Now that's something you don't see everyday! I don't know about you, but I think that our current First Lady, Mrs. Michelle Obama, is outspoken as well, and takes after Eleanor in the respect that she stands up for what she believes in and is a public advocate for certain issues, such as: poverty awareness, nutrition, and healthy eating.

From reading about Eleanor Roosevelt, I have learned that it's important to stand up for what is right for you! Don't worry about what others think. You need to make choices and decisions that are right for you. No matter what you do, someone will criticize you, but what's important is how you respond to the criticism. Don't let it effect you. 

If you know that you're going to have opposition and criticism against you, no matter what, you might as well do what makes you happy and what is right in your heart.

Sending lots of love and positivity your way :)
