No Fear

Hello Loves,

I've got a question for you...

If you weren't afraid, what would you do? Would you continue to work at the job that you absolutely despise, but you suffer through it, because you need the money? What would you do?

Fear holds us back from accomplishing what we are created for. Fear keeps us off the road to our destiny. It keeps us in the slow lane of traffic...we drive at 5 mph down the highway, because we're terrified of getting into an accident. Cars speed past us (opportunities fly by) and while they arrive at their destination, we're still putting along at 5 mph.

I want to encourage you to pry off fear's grip on your life. Have faith that God will lead you in the right direction for your life

Press on the gas petal and don't be afraid. You might make some mistakes along the way, but always remember that failure is only accomplished when you give up. 

Sending love and inspiration your way :)
