New Year...New You!

Hello Loves,

First off, I want to say how grateful I am for you! Thank you so much for reading my blog and I hope that the things I share from my daily life give you some sort of inspiration :)

Since it's a new year, I want to encourage you to not give up on your resolutions. I know it can be challenging to slip back into the habits of 2012, but push yourself to try new things and watch as you experience a happier you!

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to go line dancing. I know that may sound funny, but seriously...I've wanted to go for years and every time I thought about going, I came up with some excuse not to go. Why? Because I was nervous that I wouldn't know how to do the dances, I didn't want to go alone, and then my mom would freak me out by saying things like "You want to go where?! No lady should go to a saloon. There will be dirty guys there who only want one thing...!" 
You know how moms can scare you silly just by mentioning a few little things. LOL! 

Anyways, the truth was that I was scared to try something new. This past weekend, I made up my mind to finally go line dancing and accomplish one of my 2013 New Year's Resolutions. I had so much fun and the place was not scary or dirty. In fact, I felt safer there than I've ever felt in any lounge or club! 

That's me out on the dance floor!

By pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I found a new hobby, made a new friend, and had a blast line dancing all night long. It's time to go cowboy boot shopping ;)

**Funny note: Because I had so much fun line dancing, now my mom wants to go! Hahaa...after she gave me so much trouble about going in the first place, now she wants to kick up her heels to some good old country music!!

Sending lots of love and positivity your way :)
