30 Days of Positivity - Week #3 & #4

Hello Loves,

Ok, so I have finished my 30 Days of Positivity Challenge!! It was a fight to the finish line, but honestly, you can't just stop at 30 days...positivity has got to become part of your thinking patterns and part of your daily life.

During the last two weeks of the challenge, I faced some health issues that tested my positivity. I got a viral infection that was on the corners of my mouth and had to put jock itch cream on my mouth to cure it!! Yes, I was literally prescribed jock itch cream for my face! Hahaa...my friends and I laugh about it now, but at the time it was not funny.

I put my positivity to the test and kept telling myself, "Ok, you are fine. The infection is gone. I have a healthy immune system and my body is healthy."

Secondly, I had an appointment with a neurologist and come to find out that the numbness I was experiencing on my face and leg was due to migraines. He prescribed me some heavy duty medication for the migraines and scheduled me for an MRI.

I haven't done the MRI yet, but I know and claim health, healing, and total wellness in my body. Also, I haven't taken the medication yet...because I'm trying some alternative homeopathic routes first.

I have found that positive thinking isn't the only thing I need to do in order for things to change in my life. I need to actually believe the words that I'm saying to myself. I need to believe the positive statements for a change to occur.

I hope that my story has been an inspiration to you and I pray that you take up the positivity challenge! Once you do, I promise that your outlook on life will change for the better. The only person standing in the way of your future is yourself!

Sending lots of love and positivity your way :)
