30 Days of Positive Thinking - Days #2 & #3

Hello Loves,

I'm still on the 30 Days of Positivity Challenge and I want to update you on my progress! So far a lot has happened...it's quite interesting.

Day #1 - 

On Day #1, I meditated on the positive mantra: I am fit and beautiful. As I was sitting in Starbucks, enjoying a yummy non-fat Gingerbread Latte and writing my blog post on the 30 Day Positivity Challenge, two men sitting outside on the patio at Starbucks began taking pictures of me through the glass window!! I'm not joking...they had a flash camera on their iPhone...LOL! I thought to myself, Wow, this positive thinking really does work!!! I mean here I am meditating: I am fit and beautiful - a random people start taking pictures of me!! A little bit later, as I was packing up my laptop, a young girl and her mother told me they really loved my biker boots!

Day #2 -

On Day #2, I meditated on the positive mantra: My possibilities are endless.

I started meditating on this mantra in the morning and by the middle of the day, I found myself eating lunch with a group of 20 people, all of whom I did not know previously, except for two people that I met briefly two weeks prior. My lunch was unexpectedly paid for from one of my acquaintances and I left the lunch with an invitation to sing and rediscover my musical talents at a local recording studio.

Now, I had no idea this was going to happen and it just goes to show that thinking positively manifests positive situations and outcomes.

Day #3 -

On Day #3, I continued to meditate on the positive mantra: My possibilities are endless and you wouldn't believe what manifested on that day.

First, I received an email from a local church organization asking me if I would lead out in a small group. This church happens to be fairly large and I always wanted to get connected with community, but didn't know what steps to take. This same church actually asked if I would be willing to go through training to become a leader, as well! I am so excited about this opportunity and I can't wait to get started in the training program.

Second, I received an email from one of my cousins telling me about a non-profit organization that is hiring and she thought I would be a great fit for the position. We'll see what happens!! I was pretty amazed at how these opportunities just popped up and landed in my lap without me going out and seeking them.

I truly believe that the positive thinking I have been doing over the past few days has manifested the positive energy and opportunities in my life. I'm looking forward to all the new possibilities!!

Stay positive and join the fight against negativity :)

