Positive Energy

Hello Loves!

Every day we have the choice to think negative or positive thoughts. Once you start down the road of negativity, it's like a snowball effect. One thought triggers another and soon enough you find yourself either mad and angry or curled up in a ball on your bed crying your eyes out, because your brain is filled with negative thoughts about yourself and/or others.

Whenever I find myself thinking negative thoughts about myself, I try to focus on one positive and then I meditate on that positive thought, until the negative one fades away. The next time a negative thought pops up in your mind, try replacing it with a positive one. It may be hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will become and your outlook on life will change, as well.

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? Basically, everything that is in life and my life is there, because we've attracted it to ourselves. Whatever you meditate on or think about yourself will be attracted to you. So, it is important to NOT attract to yourself what you don't want!!

I like to think of thoughts like this...if a negative one pops up, I acknowledge it and then push it aside and think on a positive thought. Soon the positive thoughts overpower the negative ones and you'll notice that your days will look brighter and you'll be attracting a lot of positive energy into your life.

Sending positive energy your way :)
