New Day, New Beginning

I saw this quote on Pinterest and loved it! "Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again." No matter what happened today or yesterday or three weeks ago...every day you get the chance to start over. You get a clean slate. How awesome is that?!

As a person who tends to get stressed out super easily, I have to tell myself that it's ok if I make a mistake or don't get to accomplish what I want to get done in my day. For example, I am pretty strict with my own personal workout goals. I workout almost everyday and when I miss a workout...oh dear...I have to seriously take a DEEP BREATH and tell myself that it's ok.

I take pride in accomplishing my goals (work-wise & personal goals) and if I have set items and tasks that I need to accomplish in my day, I will move heaven and earth to get them done.

I find that it's important to tell yourself that the world isn't going to fall apart if you miss a workout or if you make a mistake (or if you eat that extra pint of yummy ice-cream). In fact, you learn from your mistakes and failures. It's the only way you can grow.

Every day is a new beginning. If you fall down, don't worry. Tomorrow you can try again. Whatever you do, don't give up. Make the most of the time that you have and try not to stress out on the small stuff (harder than it sounds, for me, at least). Life goes by way too fast, so enjoy it doing the things that you love :)

PS. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a fabulous recipe to kick-in the Fall Season!! 
