Diabetes and Pets

Hello Loves,

So, the past few days have been really tough for me and my family. In a previous post, I told you guys about my little dog, Lady, who had to go to the veterinarian several times last week. Anyways, she's been on two types of antibiotics and a pill to jump start her appetite.

The appetite pill has been working, but this past weekend, she started to have a lot of trouble breathing. She was taking long deep breaths and crying from pain. It was so sad to watch, because there wasn't anything I could do to help her except hold and comfort her. The painful breathing only lasted about 15 minutes once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Afterwards, she threw up :(

Yesterday, I took her back to the vet's and he told me that she's having trouble breathing, because of the fluids in her lungs. She's now on four different medications for inflammation and her heart. I cannot explain how sad it is to watch your puppy suffer through something, without being able to make the pain stop.

This morning, she had more trouble breathing and then she threw up all over me. The good news is that after she throws up the fluids, she feels better, and wants to eat! Hopefully, the new medications help her get better soon.

Lady is a fighter. She's strong and she's been through so much in her life. I won't give up on her and I know she won't give up on me. I hope she inspires you to not give up. I don't know what situations or challenges you are facing in your life, but I do know that as long as you keep fighting and giving it your best, you will survive and succeed.



PS. This is a short documentary I made a year ago about diabetes and pets. It features Lady's story.
